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Days and times of prayer are as follows: Daily 5am-6am, Wednesday afternoon 12-12:15pm, Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 9:00pm-9:30pm

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


I am praying for serious miracles. I had to move to be near my dad who was battling dementia (before moving in 2022, I lost my job, lost most of my items in a flood and made it back to my dad’s home state through financial blessings). I got a job near my dad, but my dad was becoming very sick. Last year, I lost everything in two weeks (walked into my job and my position was removed, a deer totaled my car on my dad and his twin’s birthday and I had to leave where I was living because of limited funds). My dad passed away late February 2024. I moved back to the DMV area with nothing: no job, no car, no savings and living in a friend’s room. Since March 2024, I have been looking for work and no doors have opened. Praying for miracles for my job of purpose, for a decent place of my own, for a vehicle and also for God’s direction for ministry. Thank you kindly for taking the time to hear my story and pray for me. God’s continued blessings always!

Received: May 25, 2024