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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Mike N

I can’t afford to move, and Satan is using a possessed neighbor to gang stalk (harass) me 24/7 & I have no peace in my apartment complex. I’m fighting a spiritual battle all alone. I'm trying to come back to God but this level frustration keeps dragging me down (backsliding in hopelessness). A soldier can't heal while I’m still on the front lines getting stabbed and bleeding out. I need to be extracted to a safe space to heal, recharge, restore, strengthen. I pray for the money to move or for God to destroy or move this vessel of Satan from me. I kind of see it like thieves using a getaway car to rob, but if God cripples the vehicle (flat tire, blown engine block), then the bad guys can't use it to do harm. Likewise, I pray God for discernment and bless my neighbor. God provide me with kindness so they see You in me.

Received: January 7, 2024