Someone is always praying for you. Prayer works.

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(605) 472-5575‬  code 144496#

Days and times of prayer are as follows: Daily 5am-6am, Wednesday afternoon 12-12:15pm, Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 9:00pm-9:30pm

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for my alignment with God has for my life, that each and every day my steps, actions and thoughts are ordered by him. Please that the sadness, shame, depression, embarrassment that I'm feeling as a result of a bad decision is removed. Please pray to heal all those affected and hurt by a bad decision I made. Please pray all aspects of my life (relationships with friends and family, career, business).

Please pray that my heart and mind are and covered by God and his mercy.

Please pray for my forgiveness.

Thank you

Received: March 3, 2024