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I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Peter Valentine

My mother Margo and my two sisters Nonie and Elizabeth are as far away from Salvation as a hawk is from the moon. There is a need for deliverance from intergenerational curses. Our relatives and ancestors were slaves, abortionists, atomic bomb makers, collaborators with nazis, yet some were abolitionists and my grandmother was born again just before she died. The best revenge against the enemy for hardening their hearts and ramping up their rebellion against the Living God is to pray constantly for the Son to intercede with the Father on their behalf to break the curse on us and on our descendants FOREVER. Flood their lives with Living Water, ushering in deepest conviction and repentance. Bring joy, humility, patience, all the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Make them bastions of love that will harbor and save many souls for the rest of their long, long lives.

Received: June 6, 2024