17 Feb ASBC Celebrates Ash Wednesday with Ashes to Go
ASBC Celebrates Ash Wednesday with Ashes to Go
Alfred Street Baptist Church Celebrates Ash Wednesday on February 18 with Ashes to Go
Alfred Street Baptist Church, the oldest and largest African America Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA Celebrates Ash Wednesday with Ashes to Go on Wednesday February 18 at 6am and Noon
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Feb. 17, 2015 – Alfred Street Baptist Church, the oldest and largest African American Baptist church in Alexandria, VA will distribute ashes to members and the community on Ash Wednesday as part of its observance of Lent. Lent; which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 is a time of repentance and mourning in preparation for Resurrection Sunday. The distribution, or imposition, of ashes is traditionally a Catholic observance and rarely takes place in the Baptist church and or African American community. As a result of the success of the Ashes to Go church last year, Alfred Street Baptist Church has once again decided to engage its members and the community in this observance as a reminder of the true purpose of Lent and that the imposition of ashes is much larger than that which is limited to Catholics. In addition to the formal commemorations held inside the church, the church is offering “Ashes to Go”, allowing parishioners to receive the imposition of ashes curb side from their cars.
Church members and the community are invited to participate in this historical event on Wednesday, February 18 between 6-7 a.m. 12-1 p.m., and 6-7p.m. The ceremony will include reflection and prayer, and the imposition of ashes. Ashes to go can be picked up in front of the church for those who cannot make the ceremony.
Photo and video opportunities are available.
About Alfred Street Baptist Church
Established in 1803, Alfred Street Baptist Church is home to the oldest, largest, and most prominent African American congregation in Alexandria, VA. It has served as a prominent religious, educational, and cultural in the Northern Virginia community. Currently under the esteemed leadership of Rev. Dr. Howard John Wesley, Alfred Street Baptist Church has over 7,000 members with services every Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Alfred Street is also home of the popular Come As You Are (CAYA) worship service every first Wednesday of the month. For more information, click on www.alfredstreet.org; www.facebook.com/AlfredStreetBaptistChurch; or follow the church on Twitter @AlfredStreetBC. Alfred Street Baptist Church’s Media Contact: Carla Welborn, 240.475.7283 or communications@alfredstreet.org or cwelborn@alfredstreet.org
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