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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for me. I lost my job and I’m scared. Scared I’m loosing my apartment next month, I have a senior in high school.I’m scared of not being emotionally and mentally there for my son’s most important school year because I’m scared of not being able to provide. We are struggling and I don’t have a job offer or feel close to getting my next offer. The devil is attacking my faith and I’m growing weary from fear and this unkind world. I had an interview last week and I don’t rush Gods timing but I’m desperate and it happens to be with a great company. I am a child of God but I ask for forgiveness, strength to be a mother when I don’t feel my best, wisdom to know where to look for my next career. And I thank God for the struggle but Lord I’m scared.

Thank you for praying for and with me

Received: September 18, 2023