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I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Helen A. Jenkins

Good morning ASBC family, I am entering the last phase of completing my DNP and while I have received IRB and site permission to complete my project, I am being denied access to the facility by the CNO who has not taken the time to gain clarity on what I am trying to do. My project does not involve patients or any patient information such a data, nor does it identify the name of the facility, I am asking 1 question of the nurses. The IRB reviewed my paper, have met with me and have approved my work. This denial does not make sense. My mentor tried to reason with the CNO but there was a need to show "who is in charge" at my detriment. I had 8 weeks to complete, since there has been a lot of back and forth before getting approval the time is now 4 weeks. I really need to get this completed. I have emailed the president of the facility since we had a good relationship when I was an employee so I am praying that my message provides her understanding and she over turns the decision of the CNO. Too much work, time and money has gone into getting this advance degree. Please pray with me for this barrier to move and pray for acceptance if this door is closed. Thank you

Received: November 2, 2023